Wednesday, August 1, 2007


INTERVIEW: JENNY MORTON- freelance graphic designer.

EMILY: How did you begin your career – formal study or otherwise Where, how long, would you do that again or is there another alternative?
JENNY: I studied graphic design and its something that ive always wanted to do since I was young. I would do it again. Theres always new things to learn in the industry and I very happy to learn it. I want to leanr as much as I can about the industry. I find it so fascinating and cant wait until I am capable enough to be employed for a big magazine company. Id love to work overseas.
EMILY: How did you feel when you handed your first job over?
JENNY: Haha I was just so happy to have it finished. I agonized over it for so long but my client was very happy so I felt very relieved.
EMILY: Do you think you have a particular style or do you think that you have been influenced by any other designers or movements?
JENNY: I love bold and bright colors that draw attention. Many different designers have influenced me and give me inspiration. I love playing around with text and I think that it one of the most important aspects of the actual design layout.
EMILY: What strategies do you have to cope with mental blocks?
JENNY: I do something that has got nothing to do with the design im doing. Il leave it, go for a walk. Read a book. Haha I even find that if I go shopping il be at the counter buying something and il get this big wash of ideas and I have to borrow the checkout girls pen to jot them down so I don’t forget them.
EMILY: Do you have any future ambitions? Or where would you like to see yourself in 10 years?
JENNY: Wow in 10 years… I’d like to see myself in an amazing magazine company in the uk. I want to be able to travel and work at the same time though. I don’t know just yet how il manage that. But we’ll see.Id even love to learn more about photography and work as a freelance photographer. Then I could incorporate my designs and my own photography togther.
EMILY: What inspired you to become a graphic designer.
JENNY: Im not really sure. Since I can remember ive loved art. Some of my first memories are from children art classes and I studied it all through highschool. Art was the only thing I was ever interested in. Oh dear I was shocking at maths and science. So I think graphic designer is almost like an output of my whole art life where I can make a living from it and love it at the same time.
EMILY: How do maintain ongoing professional development. Conferences, updating skills, updating software and materials?
JENNY: haha im probably a bit behind with all the software.
EMILY: How do you work through client conflict and difficult customers?
JENNY: I just try talking to them. I don’t think theres any point in getting worked up about anything. Its not worth it. If a client deems it neccasary to blow there stack over a design then its best just to walk away. But I do at first try to talk calmly and explain my ideas as much as I can with listening to them as hard as I can.

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