Benneton is a world wide clothing companies providing garments for 120 countries through out the world.
Established in 1965, Benetions group has been committed to meeting the highest international standards of corporate governance.
Their campaign aimed at human rights was created in conjunction with the United Nations, is the result of a UN proposal to launch a world communications exercise to make the 50th anniversary of declaration of human rights.
They aim to remind world public opinion of peoples social groups, and protection of these rights is said to be a prime duty of each one of the UN’s members
Benetton aims to shock and draw people in by there interesting graphical designed campaigns providing people with images that cause people to question and think about the messages they are trying to convey so they will get behind them and try to understand so they can also help out, even if it is just by buying there cloths.
http://press.benettongroup.com/ben_en/image_gallery/campaigns/? branch_id=1186
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