Photo of cards made form eco reusable/recycycled materials
CRADLE TO GRAVE – occurring or persisting from beginning to END... CRADLE to CRADLE has NO END with products being continuously recycled...
As an example of Cradle to grave I go and buy a new dress, I wear it a few times and then I throw it away. There are many other things I could do with this dress:
1.redesign it and continue to wear it.
2. sell it 2nd hand
3. give it to someone else to wear
4. give it to a charity to resell and fund the helping of other people.
5. In the extreme cut it into long strips and mix with other pieces of fabrics that I have saved to re weave into a floor mat, blanket or some other useful manifestation.
CRADLE TO CRADLE - Imagine a world without waste; a world where manufacturing acts more like nature; where every product either returns safely to the soil or becomes a new product….designing products so that the materials can be used again and again. Speaking of dresses as I did in the cradle to grave example: Eco intelligent Polyester is the first textile designed as a technical nutrient. A material designed on a cellular level to be totally recycled and non toxic in its manufacturing. After use it can be recycled again and again into new garments or products.
Hey PAula, i liked this it delivers the message well, with examples of how one can put these processes into ones life.
totally love your cards. excellent post
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