Wednesday, May 9, 2007

BranDON: Cradle To Cradle

Instead of designing cradle-to-grave products, which is blaintenly chucking out a specific product after its use or life.

Cradle to Cradle Design is being embraced as a powerful new framework for thinking about how we can create various other products, while having a fully beneficial impact on the world and its environment.

We need to think the way we live and build design and recycle, cradle to cradle is acively looking and considering sustainability through products.

Architect William McDonough and Chemist Michael Braungart have published a revolutionary new book in which they propose a cradle-to-cradle way of manufacturing that is as effective as nature itself in maintaining sustainability. The focus of their vision is for us to use nature itself as a model for manufacturing designs and products.

Today, nearly all packaging is designed only through the point of use by the end consumer. Benefits of cradle-to-cradle packaging include lower costs, a wider choice of materials, and packaging that adds value for consumers. But packagers who’ve been exposed to the principles of cradle-to-cradle design acknowledge there are many hurdles to overcome before cradle-to-cradle packaging actually becomes a reality.

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