The cleangreenprint.com logo was developed as an initiative to promote the reduction of the enviromental effects through printing.
No matter what type of organisation or individual you are, the support of cleangreenprint.com™ will send a message to the public reflecting your commitment to environmental awareness and sustainability.
By using a clean green printer, your organisation can utilise this logo on the back of your printed material, which will provide a link back to this site.
In recent years, green print companies have begun choosing low-emission inks and solitoions, improving the efficicency of operations to reduce waste and chemical use, minimising energy consumption and specifying environmentally friendly paper stocks to reduce the impact of printing on the environment. Further to this, a number of non-profit programs and government-approved initiatives have been set up to monitor environmental issues associated with printing.
By implementing a “clean green print” process, printers can achieve better inventory and purchacing control to reduce waste, be more efficiernt in the use of electricity and energy and better segregation of recyclable and land fill wastes.
1 comment:
its very simlar logo to new leaf in jacquis post
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