Eco-sustainable design processes and marketing is important in reducing the costs to the earth in the world today as consumer society results in an abundance of advertising, yet with careful planning of our use of the earths’ natural resources these processes can be sustainable, “to reduce energy consumption, pollution and waste.”
There are various graphic design companies that focus on the importance of sustainable design, reducing the impact on the environment and in turn less costly to their customers’ finances. They aim to use less paper, inks and chemicals, considering such communication methods as the internet instead of printing designs on paper, sending it through the net as a computer file, and also using recycled papers rather than paper from old growth forests. Paper that has not been bleached is also available as paper mills are now encouraged to do this, therefore recycled papers are readily available and are not necessarily more expensive and can be better quality than common bleached paper. Papers can also be made out of the leaves of trees. Many inks used today contain toxic chemical petroleum which pollutes the air and water, yet there is sustainable water and vegetable based inks that are of equal quality, easier to recycle and make less pollution.
Links: www.thegreendirectoy.com.au, www.csdesign.org
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