graphic design in the 1950's relied alot on arts and crafts as in this era there arts and crafts were very popular. alot of the designs during this time were very vintage and alot of the desings used minimal colour,with light pastel colours, without much brightness in it at all. these worx portrayed feeling and aspects of thast time as well as many day to day activities. graphic design back then related to art and craft as this was where it originated from. many people found designs helpful and useful. hot rod cars and rock and roll was a big aspevt of the 50's so there were many designs of hotrods and muscle car portrayed in many many different ways but only using limmited colours, the designer had to figure out a good way to apperal to a wide audiance of all different ages and stles to promote his job.
popular colours were light yellow, orange red, blue, pink etc and the main dark colours used were black, navey blue and sometimes navey green.
i got my pic and info from this link:
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