Graffiti and street art have been around since ancient civilization to the present. But the motivations drive street artists have been and are varied.
Today some see urban space as a format for their artwork, taking it outside the gallery and into the streets to reach a wider audience so that more people see it not just those that go to art galleries. Making Street art accessible to everyone. Whereas others like the risk factor involved in making graffiti getting the adrenalin going, the pure thrill.

Personally I like art that makes me think. There is a strong current of activism and subversion in street art. Street art says what goes unsaid. Street Artists are social commentators voicing other opinions not often seen in mainstream media. It is effective in places where people have limited freedom of speech and rights street art gets the word out and expresses opinions and highlighting injustices. Applied in the right way street art challenges and makes us question the very foundations of our society.

Infamous UK street artist under the guise Banksy wrote, “Imagine a city where graffiti wasn’t illegal, a city where everybody could draw wherever they liked,” he once wrote. “Where the street was awash with a million colors and little phrases . . . A city that felt like a party where everyone was invited, not just the estate agents and barons of big business.”
I also like the graffiti that makes you think.
i agree with you about the alternative view not at all represented in the mainstream media. they are voicing through their artwork some very important issues. banksy's maid sweeping it under the carpet says it all. great post
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