I personally think the works of these designers are strong and can be a bit confronting as some might call them vandals!!! But I think that they are more social commentator! And maybe propaganda artists more than vandals! As their works make a statement! and as it may be shocking to some, their views and designs are unique and their own... vandalism is not a major aspect of a lot of their works... especially Dominic Allen, as his are mainly photographic yet he still manages to put across political or personal or impersonal messages.
This photo of the fish I thik may set a political and “in your face statement about finshin and how much we actually take from the eath. The photo is large and detailed with a clear and defined visual impact on the viewers of discusting and dead fish. But I do not understand this to be vandalism,as we don’t know if he killed the fish or not! And my thoughts would say no!
I found this designer interesting and I got my info and my photo from thins website:
http:// www.dominicallen.com/DAphotos.html
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