Tuesday, June 5, 2007

interview with a designer

brainstormed questions by class unedited
01. What techniques do you use

02. How did you begin your career – formal study or otherwise Where, how long, would you do that again or is there another alternative

03. How did you feel when you handed your first job over. How did you go through the ranks to where you are now?

04. Describe your own design style.

05. What do you predict as new trends of design style.

06. Influences and inspirations of your design career.

07. Tools of trade Typical, favourite

08. In your years designing what changes have you seen style,

09. Favourite areas of design - advertising, painting, typographic

10. What strategies do you have to cope with creative blocks

11. What are your future ambitions

12. Do you prefer to work within a team or on your own. Why Give example

13. What extra skills have you learnt working as a freelance and or within a company structure.

14. What inspired you to become a designer

15. What kind of design work have you found to bring in the bread and butter - The most common jobs.

16. What achievements or design projects would represent your best work.

17. What has been the low point of your career. What was the worst job, the worst client. What did you learn from it.

18. On a day to day basis- what is the most rewarding of your career and the least rewarding

19. Do you undertake environmentally sustainable methods of design processes

20. Do you as a graphic designer feel you have a moral responsibility/obligation to society and how does that make you feel

21. How do you establish your hourly rate when presenting the cost to your clients.

22. What does your pricing structure include; eg fuel costs, person hour rates, materials cost, advertising etc

23. How do you sell yourself. Do you have a website or regular advertising structure/mode

24. How do you work through client conflict and difficult customers

25. What would you consider your dream job or dream client

26. Where do you see yourself in future years. Do you think you will be in the same field or are you interested in other avenues

27. How do maintain ongoing professional development. Conferences, updating skills, updating software and materials

28. How do you remain progressive in your skill of trade – magazines, study etc

29. Do you think the graphic design industry is high pressured and

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