I think it sucks, it looks like something Ken Done might have designed in an alcohol induced black out while receiving it from a seven foot Jamaican transvestite, I mean who are the Poms kidding.
I can tell you one thing there is a designer out there still rolling on the floor laughing at the con job he did separating the English government from there 4 or so million pounds. In this day and age, and with the level of design coming out, this is unforgivable; I am not interested in its multi applicable usages, what ever you did to this thing it will still look as though it belongs on the rear window of a wicked camper van. In 2000 Sydney had the Olympics, and lucky for us we have the Sydney Opera House as a stand out feature, we were able to design a logo based around this that was used for 8 years. I understand that Sydney 2000 was the best Olympics ever and that mealy standing in our shadow would see success for London, yet these elitist pigs have decided to use the shape of our country as the zero in there 2012 logo, it even looks like they have moved Tassie 1000km or so West, which is something we have been planning for years. I fail to capture how a logo that isn't exciting me about the prospect of London 2012 during 2007 is going to miraculously change over the next 6 years. Shit they had better do well in the Rugby World Cup this December or I’m likely to go over there and have my last train ride.
Settle down your no angel…
"I think it sucks, it looks like something Ken Done might have designed in an alcohol induced black out while receiving it from a seven foot Jamaican transvestite, I mean who are the Poms kidding." HAHAHAHHAHA :)
David you are amazing... your work is always funny however honest and well researched. Your very talented.... Good on ya. I especially like the rip off logo did you do that or did you find it on-line its hilarious...Paula
Haha good one Dave, summed it up in the first paragraph. Classy ;)
great post very colourful like ken overdone's art. i dont like his art either but he's got more business sense to go there or if he did hed get his mojo to turn it into a campaign. ken would probably agree any publicity is good publicity. an elegant logo launched so far from the date would not have the same impact on the press.
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