However if you’re the one with the spray can in hand and a burning desire to express yourself then it’s simply a blank canvas of opportunity.
Graffiti is a blunt reminder that two worlds existed simultaneously and the debate about whether its vandalism or art is the link between these two worlds and for as long as man is on earth this debate will continue.
I think that ‘art with a message’ is what it’s all about. Something that makes us stop and think, perhaps about the who, the why, the how or the what.... It could be a stab at the government, taking the piss out of celebrities, personal opinion- trying to have a say in this world of madness and ignorance we live in or it could be even to simply present artwork with personal meaning for all the public to share.
Street artist Banksy is a good example to use for this. Personally I admire his talent and effort put into each piece he creates and to remain anonymous, that’s an achievement. He creates stencil art with so much meaning that I think sometimes it’s not until the third or fourth time you look at a piece that you start to realize what message he is trying to portray. Each person has a different opinion on everything so when it comes to art on the streets the meaning will always differ from person to person and I think that’s the exciting part.

I think that people need to accept, understand and embrace the street art culture a little more as it’s now and forever will be growing movement in the art scene.

1 comment:
excellent balanced point of view post
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