in this day and age which everything is mass production when everything must be planned and designed, design has become the most powerful tool with man as man shapes his tools with his environment and by extention, society and himself. this demands a high social and morral responsibility.
i think this coment reffers to mans abbility to reproduce the same design as many times as they may was or need as they may need it for many different occasions or events. man also shapes his tools by his environment, as our environment shapes us so if we need a design for a particular purpose, most the time we will find the tools and the way to produce it. otherwise there is no way that the work will be used or good for what it needs to be used for, this is when man shapes his tools to suit the enviroment. this also explains how it becomes the most powerful tool. people are going to extream lengths tho get there designs where they want them. i think the media has alot to do with this as it determinds weather or not designs are chosen or not, where to advertise and what to design and advertise. as it more or less controlls waht people like and what they don't.
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