Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Jess - 2012 Olympics Logo

The 2012 London Olympics logo has its fine points and its unpleasant points. Many people have different options of it to be good and a lot say that it is not there cup of tea and could even cause epilepsy.

My personal view of the 2012 logo is that it does have a quirky fresh look with its bright colours, sharp shapes and funky look. Though the down points are to ask yourself whether the colours really symbolise anything that could be relevant to London Olympic Games?

The typography is very creative and could even have a touch of 80’s influencing it. If used in a different context or project it may work a lot better then it does for this logo. The colours are all wrong, they are sharp and bright and can be harsh on the eye. The shape is completely off representing the Olympics, though the shape does work well signifying the year ‘2012’.

The designers could have stuck with using the orginal shape of the olympic circles and added a new twist to it adding spark and emphasising the Olympics and symbolising colours and even shapes that are actually relevant to the sporting world.

Therefore I do not like the 2012 London Olympic Logo. The colours, shape and whole perception of it are not suited to there purpose.


Bran the Don said...

I guess is it quirky and fresh, but i dont think they pulled it off this time petrum.

stacy said...

what do think the dash in the date is about?